Should be a good day to talk politics. Lot’s going on. you can log to and watch it live and email questions and comments. Iwill try to continue the conversation here by responding to comments left on this post..
by chris | Aug 4, 2010 | Fox News Chanel, Hahn, Strategy Room | 3 comments
Should be a good day to talk politics. Lot’s going on. you can log to and watch it live and email questions and comments. Iwill try to continue the conversation here by responding to comments left on this post..
that's too bad. the last the fox needs i another socialist scumbag like Christopher Hahn.
this traitor needs a rope.
Chris – good to have you on FOX ….reminds me of how far off the "left" is from what our country needs…same old talking points…same old "evil-greedy" corporations and "unions are good"….amazing to see how supposedly "smart" people can be so blatantly dumb….I believe sir – you are what we call a "political hack". Do yourself self-esteem a favor – get a real job and hair replacement…
So Hahn – you can't even play by the rules on air with other pundits… about union bullying tactics…surprised there aren't more posts here…then again…I'm not…What we have is TOO many strategists and hacks in this country and not enough working people…Goal for 2011 – run "hacks" like Hahn out of the ability to influence the future of my kids…that is what drives me. Not ego. Not TV. how about you Chris?