It’s been 9 years since the horrible attacks on our nation that left thousand’s of innocent people dead, lives ruined and a whole in our hearts.  I worked for Senator Schumer at the time and that day kicked off months of non-stop developments as we attempted to deal with the losses to our community and losses of friends.

All of the priorities we worked on prior were put on hold on 9-11-2001 and answering the question’s of why and how joined the rebuilding effort as top priorities.  For a time, the nation rallied and petty partisan differences were replaced with a profound sense of national urgency.  When President Bush stood atop the ruins at Ground Zero and vowed that we would answer the terrorists who attacked us, even I was with him.

Unfortunately, the national respite from partisanship quickly gave way to an even deeper partisan divide.  While history tells us that partisanship has always been present, and always will be, it’s amazing how united we can be when threatened by an outside force.

We are all Americans and we should never forget that for all our political and social difference we are more alike then different.  We all believe in the rule of law and the protection of basic civil rights.  We all want a better life for our children.  We all believe in the promise of opportunity that is our great nation.  We all value freedom.

As we pause today to remember those lost on 9-11 and vow to never forget.  Let’s also reflect on how fortunate we are to be Americans even in times of great crisis, there is not now or has there ever been a greater nation on earth.  God Bless America,

The Week Ahead

The political season kicks into high gear on Tuesday with 1 week left before the primary in NY and 60 days till the mid terms.  The Nation will begin to pay more and more attention with every passing day.

As for me, I will be on America Live on Monday (Labor Day) @ 2:30 on Fox News Channel and on Bulls & Bears on Tuesday, 4pm on Fox Business Network.  Check it out if you can.

My Column from today’s LIBN….

Here’s my column from today’s LI Business News.  Read more at

Hahn: Consolidation is public schools’ best hope

by Christopher Hahn
Published: September 2, 2010
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Next week our kids go back to school at 118 school districts on Long Island. With a sagging economy and a state budget that some project will create a $20 billion hole next year, now’s the time to start thinking about how we deliver education and if we are preparing our children properly.
Today, Long Island schools are among the best in the nation with several regularly ranking at or near the top. We consistently produce Intel Scholars and most graduates are college-bound. At first glance, Long Island is doing a great job educating its kids. But a closer look paints a different picture. Some districts struggle to meet basic needs. Children who live on the same block may have very different education experiences because of an invisible line that separates a high-performing district on one side of the street from one that underachieves on the other.
This year has been especially tough with many districts forced to cut a variety of programs due to the state’s budget crisis. In the Central Islip School District, junior varsity athletics would have been cut but for the efforts of business leaders who raised funds to keep the program afloat. And to complicate it all, a majority of the funding comes from property taxes, and few can afford a tax hike.
No one would argue the system is perfect and few have been willing to step up with good ideas to make things better. Consolidation is referred to as the “third rail” for a reason: No one wants to touch it and those who do usually get burned. Long Islanders love their local control but don’t want to, and no longer can, pay for it. Something’s got to give.
Some say the administrative savings are not worth the effort or the loss of local control that would come with consolidation, but look at it this way – we have 118 districts. The average district spends 78 percent of its budget on instruction, supplies for the students and classroom upkeep. Another 22 percent is spent on administration and other noninstructional activities.
That’s a fair ratio but it could be better. The principle of economy of scale dictates that the 22 percent should shrink if districts consolidate. We spend approximately $7.4 billion on education on Long Island. Twenty-two percent is approximately $1.7 billion. If we save 10 percent of that, or $170 million, that’s more money than the total budgets of any one of all but nine districts. These savings can keep classes small and keep programs intact. In these tight budget times we need all the savings we can get.
If we can’t consolidate, why not make greater strides toward shared services? Does every district need its own purchasing department? I know it’s just one of many things school administrators do, but districts buy a lot of stuff. It seems like a no-brainer to have districts purchase collectively. Unless chalk and dry erase boards work differently in Kings Park and Deer Park, I don’t see what stops districts from combining this function when senior purchasers retire. At worst, maybe it would lead to better prices.
Finally what are we teaching our kids anyway? Long Island sends well over 80 percent of our kids to college and we should be proud of that. But the world has changed and perhaps it’s time to revisit the high school curriculum to better prepare kids for careers.
Perhaps it’s time for us to abandon the agrarian calendar that gives students 100 days off to pick crops. I don’t see many kids picking crops. They could use that time to study. Maybe if we save 10 percent on administrative costs we could cut summer vacation by 30 percent and use that time to teach real-world skills.

Credit Where Credit is Due?

Today President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office to formally announce the end of combat operations in Iraq.  All day long Republicans on TV and in the papers were on the war path urging the President to give former President Bush credit for implementing the surge which led to a more stable Iraq.  Well let’s give credit where credit is due.  Let’s give Bush and the Neo-Cons credit for lying to the American People and the World when they told us the Iraq had WMD’s that threatened the World’s security. Let’s give them credit for underestimating what it would take to occupy a post war Iraq.   Let’s give them credit for being wrong when they said “the war would pay for itself,”  that “we would be greeted as liberators” and that this would be a “slam dunk.”

The GOP is out of touch.  Sure the surge worked I will acknowledge that, but Bush knew we needed more troops before we even went in, his generals told him so, he didn’t listen to them.  He bit off more then we could chew and didn’t want anyone but the brave man and women in uniform (and their families) to feel the pain of war.  There was no draft, no great call for the citizens of our nation to sacrifice in a time of war.  In fact we got a tax cut and were told to shop.  Meanwhile our finest young men and women faced shortages of body armor and multiple tours in a war zone where it was hard to tell friends from enemies.  Our soldiers are the only ones who deserve credit.  They deserve that, a GI bill and for a VA that will expertly treat the wounds they brought home whether they be physical or psychological.

We didn’t get this right after Vietnam.  Many Vets found themselves homeless and unable to make the adjustment to life at home.  Still more suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that in some cases stayed dormant for years.  And the public didn’t welcome them home the way they should.  It’s comforting that even those who opposed the war support and honor our troops.  Thank them and give them the credit.  They deserve it.