Scott Brown and the Tea party

My Text blog got all chopped up. I will save the texting for short bites… Here’s the full text… Happy Wednesday everyone. It looks like Financial Reform will pass the Senate today with the help of 3 Republicans from New England including the once poster child of the Tea Party Scott Brown… Will the Tea Party no longer approve of Mr. Brown? Does he care? He is the most popular pol in mass and he acted responsibly and came to a compromise that will benefit his constituents. Compromise is what the founders wanted and it’s why are system doesn’t change radically. Regardless of what the right wing says we have not had radical change in this nation nor will we. Our system is defined by slow incremental change and always will be. You can change the players in DC but the system will alway work slow…

RIP George Steinbrenner

Just heard that the Boss “George Steinbrenner” passed this morning at the age of 80. Just days after Bob Sheppard, the long time Yankee announcer known as the “Voice of God” passed. Steinbrenner bought the Yankees for just over $8 million in the early 1970’s. Then they were a bumbling franchise that had long strayed from their glorious past. George had a win at all costs attitude that brought the Yankees 7 World Series titles during his tenure, today the team is worth 1.6 billion.

George had a colorful history with Major League Baseball. His hiring and firing of managers like Billy Martin are legendary. His relationships with players and the city of New York was historic. His beloved Yankees gave him one last championship in 2009 making his final months fulfilling for sure. He will be missed and Baseball won’t be the same with out him.

Missionary Work….

I am back on Fox in the strategy room tomorrow at 3pm Log on to watch it live… Speaking of my Fox appearances, I was at a Democratic Party event last night and got my first negative comment from a fellow Dem. It wasn’t about what I had said on Fox, the person who delivered the rebuke had never seen me on Hannity, Cavuto or in the Strategy room, no she feels that all Dems should boycott the channel, never watch it… and for God’s sakes never appear. You legitimize it she said to me….

I told her it’s easy to preach to the choir, it’s a lot harder to be a missionary… Furthermore, Fox doesn’t need me to legitimize it, it’s the most watched cable news network and much bigger Democratic names then me have appeared on it. Bill and Hillary Clinton and President Obama to name a few.

She also suggested that Fox must be telling me what to say when I appear and editing my appearances if I get too good a point across… Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact quite the opposite, all but one appearance has been live and nothing I ever said was cut. Early on a producer told me not to hold back no one will be offended by anything you say about policy.

This woman is in the minority, most of my Democratic friends are tickled pink about my recent appearances. They know I love a good debate, and Fox has provided me a forum to debate some of the top Conservatives in the nation. I regularly go toe to toe with them and anyone who has seen my work would tell you I more then hold my own. Off camera everyone is friendly and cordial. We need more comity in this nation, we need more spirited debates about public policy, we can’t close our eyes and pretend that the other side doesn’t exist and hope that they will just go away. I may not agree with most conservative principles, but we can’t simply ignore them.

I go on Fox and I bring a Progressive Democratic message. It’s an opportunity to convince their viewers that Democrats aren’t socialist hippies but that we actually have some good ideas for America. I welcome the debate, I think we win it with most voters every time. I am thankful that I have a forum… what do you think?